health history

100 Brush Strokes

I bought a new hairbrush recently. Whoop-de-doo, you might say. But it was kind of a big deal for me because I’ve been using a metal comb for years … and years … and years. It’s a comb I got in late high school or early college. In examining it closely for this blog post, I see that it’s a Swedish Crown brand rat-tail comb, made in Sweden, and has the number 2252 stamped on…

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Eczema Update

I’ve been struggling with a bad eczema flare recently – months of vesicles and itchy patches encircling most of my neck. At one point, the rash was so solid it looked like a sunburn. I also developed eczema in my ears on and off over the past year and a patch in my scalp in December. Most of the time, I tough it out with my various moisturizers, calamine lotion, witch hazel, Vitamin E oil,…

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Supplement Review – An Idea

I’m having one of those moments when there are too many things on my mind to blog about, which is making it tough to focus on just one. As I noodle around with the others, let me start with an idea I had based on dealing with eczema for a decade. In trying to find ways to keep my eczema under control, I’ve looked thoroughly at what I ingest, including foods and various supplements. I…

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Howsabout Some Samples for Those of Us with Eczema?

I’ve been dealing with eczema for about a decade now. It’s annoying as f*#@, particularly when it flares. Which it does a couple times a year and then takes months to subside. I have a number of moisturizers, along with calamine lotion, witch hazel, and hydrogen peroxide (yes, it stings!) to help bring a wee bit of comfort to my eczema (well, maybe not that hydrogen peroxide, but it helps me keep the eczema patches…

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An Observation About Mosquito Bites

  This morning, while walking Doggle Woggle, I was bit by a mosquito in the crook of my arm. I smashed the mosquito and went on my way. The bite swelled up, as mosquito bites normally do, and it itched a little. Here’s the interesting thing about my mosquito bites. Ever since I developed eczema a number of years ago, I’ve noticed that mosquito bites do not last long on me. Where they typically remained…

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