law observations thought fodder

Observations on Ethics and the Law

I saw the above tweet from Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) on June 18, 2021, regarding sanctions against Sidney Powell, Donald Trump’s attorney during the second impeachment hearings who lied when she claimed the 2020 election was fraudulent, and I thought, it’s about time. As Donald Trump was being impeached again, I was taking my paralegal certificate courses and watching as so many of the attorneys involved (Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell) were lying or otherwise engaging in…

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design ideas observations

The Glory of Elastic in Shoes

I have skinny feet. Worse, I have very skinny heels. Almost any type of slip-on shoe, from flats to loafers to canvas tennis shoes, will not stay on my feet because there is too much space between my heels and the backs of shoes, which prevents the friction needed to keep them on. From a fashion point of view, this is annoying to the highest degree. It makes shoe-shopping a frustrating endeavor. I’ve had to…

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Letters to Legislators observations

A Curious Letter from a Politician

I got a curious letter from a politician recently.   It’s a letter from Republican Representative Pete Stauber of Minnesota’s 8th District regarding the adoption of children from China by people in the United States, with the unification of the adopted children with their adoptive families having been halted due to the pandemic. The letter explains what Stauber is doing about the issue. Here’s what’s curious about the letter. It came addressed to me, personally,…

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art design history observations

Impressions of My Fair Lady

I haven’t watched “My Fair Lady” since high school, but had occasion to watch it again recently (the occasion being to give my grandbaby time for a nap in my arms). It’s interesting to revisit movies that were childhood favorites after a long lapse in time. My impressions of the movie are different now. When I first watched the movie, it was because I admired Audrey Hepburn and I liked musicals. I didn’t give a…

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family health observations projects work in progress

Home Improvements Delayed by Pandemic

I’m blogging late today. Hubby and I have been sanding, priming, and Bondo-ing trim as part of our home improvement projects. The weather has been lovely today, so we’ve been able to work outside, which kept the dust mostly out of the house. As I was sanding trim with an orbital sander, I had plenty of time to consider blog topics. I want to talk about “My Fair Lady,” but after today’s work I don’t…

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