family home products projects

Easy Shed Installation

Arranging the space in our new house continues a year-and-a-half in. While we have significantly pared down from our previous house and business, we still have more to jettison. We’ve also discovered that the garage isn’t quite big enough to hold lawn tools and equipment along with vehicles, so we decided we needed a shed. Longtime readers of this blog might suspect that Hubby and I are fairly handy, having torn out plaster and lath…

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family home nature observations

Suburban Wildlife

After living in a rural town most of our lives, a little over a year ago, we moved to a suburban city. One of the biggest surprises about our new home is how much “wild” wildlife we see here. Sure, at our previous home, with its large backyard enclosed by trees and bushes, we saw plenty of squirrels, rabbits, birds, and butterflies. The robins had parties in our yard in the spring, plucking through the…

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design family home projects

Bringing Sunshine Into the Kitchen

The year is off to a rollicking start. I wrote one post at the beginning of January and here we are already, staring at the end of the month. I sense this year is going to fly by. I’ve had numerous ideas for blog posts, but no time to write them, so I’m going to see if I can write a couple of them today. First up, another home improvement project Hubby and I completed…

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design family home product packaging products

Mid-Century Aluminum Christmas Tree

Hubby and I have been busy beavers today after visiting family for Thanksgiving the past two days. This morning, I finished sewing a new jumpsuit pattern. In the early afternoon, we replaced our smoke detectors, which were well over 10 years old and in need of swapping out. In late afternoon, we put up our Christmas tree. This may be one of the earliest times we’ve ever set up a tree. It’s a special tree.…

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design home product packaging products

Can Opener #642

I have a gripe. My husband shares it with me. Might you have the same gripe? Why can’t a can opener last more than a few months? Over our 3-decades plus marriage, we have gone through countless can openers. We’ve tried cheap ones. We’ve tried expensive ones. All seem to fail by not properly cutting the top off a can or by falling apart. Our latest can opener was from Ikea. Compared to the previous…

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