family health history ideas process tips writing

Writing: Using Health Intake Forms for Character Development

Forms are on my mind recently, partially because I finished filing our taxes and partially due to a project at work. I have filled out a LOT of forms in my life. From tax forms to social services forms to grant applications to healthcare forms, all ask for some intensive and often highly personal information. After you’ve filled out the same information (name, address, phone, email … etc., etc., etc.) for the twelfth dozen time,…

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family home observations

Making a Comfortable Bed

Do you ever think about some of the odd habits you’ve developed over the years? Not hobbies, exactly, but things you’ve come ’round to doing that end up being a point of pride when you do them well? For me, it’s making a comfortable bed. I thought about this recently when we had a family member stay overnight. We have an air mattress that I set up. Having slept on this air mattress before, I…

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art family music

AURORA, Where Have You Been?

I have found a new favorite musician. Hubby likes to watch reaction videos on YouTube. He was watching The Charismatic Voice, which features the vocal analysis of singers by Elizabeth Zharoff, a professional opera singer, and thought I’d be interested in a specific episode. Elizabeth is a delight to watch, so definitely check out her channel. The singer she was reacting to was AURORA (spelled with all-caps normally, but I’ll only do it this once…

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family history inspiration museums pragmatic historian

The Game’s Afoot at the Sherlock Holmes Exhibit

When I heard the Minnesota Historical Society (MNHS) was launching a special exhibit on Sherlock Holmes last fall, I knew I had to go. I grew up reading Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes mysteries and have watched a number of the screen versions. For those of us who are Holmes fans, we mentally like to put ourselves in his shoes, thinking we could use our powers of observations to solve crimes. Hubby and I…

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art family home observations

Feng Shui Insight

Bit by bit, load by load, Hubby and I are moving our stuff from storage into our house. Yesterday, we brought home some of our artwork, hanging a couple of pieces and arranging others. I was happy to hang a painting of sunflowers that was in my childhood home and somehow became mine. It was like seeing an old friend again. I also placed my Grandpa Jens’ painting on the mantle above one of our…

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