
My Snowy Valentine

It’s Valentine’s Day. (Happy Valentine’s to those who celebrate.) It’s also snowing here in Central Minnesota. (Happy Snow Day to those who celebrate.) It’s the kind of snow that whips about randomly as it’s falling. Not terribly heavy so even though it’s been snowing all day, there’s not much accumulation. I’ve been out in it a few times today, first to walk the dog, then to make a Walmart run for a new dog tie-out,…

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Olio – August 27, 2015

Olio: a miscellaneous collection of things The internet is such a treasure trove of wonderful things that sometimes I just have to share. (Seeing how much other folks share via social media channels, I am not alone in this.) First up, a powerful video shared by a friend on Facebook. In it, Francine Christophe relates a story from her days spent as a prisoner in a Nazi concentration camp. It’s amazing how much humanity can…

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