family fiber art home projects

Presto-Change-O! A Fiber Arts Room

Work continues in the house. The latest project completed this week was the transformation of a bedroom into my new fiber arts room. I’ve never had a room devoted solely to my fiber arts storage and activities. Instead, in our old house, I tucked things in corners and used an open hallway for both sewing and my office desk. At one point, I had a floor loom in the dining room, but I could never…

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design family home projects work in progress

New Home Office

Work continues apace in our new-to-us home, which was built in the 1960s. One of my first orders of business was to set up a home office. We have four bedrooms in the house. I chose the one I wanted as an office and then promptly set up a temporary office in the bedroom across the hall. I had work to do before moving into my room of choice. The day we moved in, Hubby…

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family home preservation projects work in progress

House Excavations Continue

It has been too long since I’ve blogged. That’s what moving to a new home after 30 years will cause – upending-the-blog chaos. Hubby and I are in our new home, still working on getting settled. You know what? It feels an awful lot like the months we spent getting our old house ready to sell. That means I can continue using the image tag “House Excavations” at the top of this post for a…

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family home preservation process projects

That’s a Wrap on Home Renovations

Hubby and I have had a crazy-busy couple of months with getting the house ready to sell. So busy, in fact, that I haven’t had any time to blog. We’ve finally wrapped up all of our home renovations and are in the selling part of the process. I wanted to write a final post highlighting a few of the more interesting projects we finished. During September and October, we painted, and painted some more, and…

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family home projects work in progress

Moving Furniture & Door Improvements

Work continues on the house at a breakneck pace in between handling other life events. I have moved, so Erik has been tackling the home improvement projects on his own. Prior to my moving in with family for our transition between the old house and a new one, I wanted to make sure most of the big furniture was moved out of the house and all the smaller stuff was packed and moved. With the…

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