
Farewell, Inky

We grow old cats in our house. Until recently, we had 3 geriatric cats in the house. Rosalyn died within the past couple of years at the age of 20. (For the life of me, I can’t pinpoint which month or year of her death.) Stinky is 17 years old. Inky was 15. We lost Inky almost 4 weeks ago. I use the word “lost” purposely. While Erik and I were loading the truck for…

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art thought fodder

Internet Nostalgia – Bitey of Brackenwood

I was suddenly hit with a fit of Internet Nostalgia the other day. I recalled seeing an animated video online years ago that featured a little yellow blob creature in a beautiful forest. For the life of me, I could not remember the name or anything else about the video but I desperately wanted to see it again. Arrgh! It dawned on me that I had shared a link to this video on my original…

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