
The Grape Vines Have Taken Over

Every year, for as long as we have been in this house (20+ years), probably longer, the grape vines, which seem to originate at the back of the yard near the shed, take over. They snake across the clothes lines and up into the trees, dominating small bushes so that we can’t see them. In at least one (maybe two) areas of the yard, the vines are so thick over the bushes that you could…

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art inspiration observations

A Dog of Incredible Cuteness

I wanted to write a serious blog post tonight, but I spent so much time mowing lawn today that I don’t have the brain power for it. Instead, I only have energy for posting photos of my incredibly cute dog. (I could say I’m not biased in my opinion of him, but I would be lying.) Don’t dogs make great internet subjects? No worries about violating their privacy or offending them while poking a little…

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art observations

Blue Ball

During my walk with Doggle Woggle this afternoon, I snapped some pictures. It’s quite a treat trying to get a steady shot while a 70 pound dog is bounding around on the end of a leash. It’s almost impossible to get said Doggle to stand still long enough to get a pic of him. I managed to get three good photos of him. While I enjoyed taking photos of Doggle and other things during our…

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art observations

Can I Just Say …

… that I love the theme of my blog? I have never been so enamored with the look of a blog as I have with this one. The theme is called Saga and, in case you don’t know, I’m using WordPress as my blogging platform. I have long adored WordPress’s ease of use, great statistics, and stylish themes, but the Saga theme seriously has me agog. I often call up my blog just to look…

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