family fiber art home projects

Presto-Change-O! A Fiber Arts Room

Work continues in the house. The latest project completed this week was the transformation of a bedroom into my new fiber arts room. I’ve never had a room devoted solely to my fiber arts storage and activities. Instead, in our old house, I tucked things in corners and used an open hallway for both sewing and my office desk. At one point, I had a floor loom in the dining room, but I could never…

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family home preservation process projects

That’s a Wrap on Home Renovations

Hubby and I have had a crazy-busy couple of months with getting the house ready to sell. So busy, in fact, that I haven’t had any time to blog. We’ve finally wrapped up all of our home renovations and are in the selling part of the process. I wanted to write a final post highlighting a few of the more interesting projects we finished. During September and October, we painted, and painted some more, and…

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family home projects work in progress

Retr0brighting a Tub Surround

And now for something completely different in regards to our home renovation projects. Different from painting, I mean, which we have been doing a lot of. A couple of the plastic panels of our tub surround in the upstairs bathroom weren’t looking so great anymore. We had installed the tub surround during our circa 2004 home renovation, when we redid the walls in the bathroom. Over time, certain plastics yellow with exposure to UV light.…

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art family home museums projects work in progress

Reno Update: Kitchen Caulking, Motorcycle Print, Stair Treads

You may be able to tell from the title of this blog post that I’m too tired to think of anything clever, like I did for last week’s post. House renovation tasks continue, along with packing and cleaning. It’s a TON of work getting a house ready for sale. This morning, I scrubbed the bathtub thoroughly with Bar Keeper’s Friend in order to remove some stains. This afternoon, I mowed the lawn because regular maintenance…

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family home pragmatic historian projects work in progress

My Husband Cleaned My Clock

No, he did not punch me in the face, which is one meaning of the phrase, “cleaned my clock.” He literally cleaned my clock. In his effort to repaint the kitchen, Erik had to remove everything hanging on the walls and clean the walls and cupboards with degreaser. I shared the following photo in last week’s blog post, pointing out how the area behind the stove still had to be painted. In the middle foreground…

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