health tips

COVID-19 Testing in Rural Minnesota

This fall I’ve been dealing on and off with a scratchy throat and cough. Naturally, with those being symptoms of COVID-19, the first thought upon developing them was that I was sick with Covid and I should get tested. The Minnesota Department of Health encourages testing regardless of how severe your symptoms are because even those not displaying symptoms can spread the disease and testing is the primary way they can properly track it. When…

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observations reading

Pandemic Woes: I Miss the Library

This pandemic is a drag. When we first went into lock-down in March, which meant closing the museum I run, figuring out how to work from home, getting used to Zoom meetings, and dealing with shortages at grocery stores, there was such a flurry of new activity that it was difficult to reflect on all that was happening. In addition, we had to get used to masks and social distancing, including avoiding stores and other…

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action history ideas pragmatic historian

C-19 Window Symbols for COVID-19 Victims

I have seen the sentiment expressed multiple times online that the weeks we have lived in 2020 feel like years as the serious events of the year, including the pandemic, innumerable political events, and the death of George Floyd with the resulting worldwide protests, pile up on us. We barely have time to process major news related to any particular event when another hits and it’s all we can do to hang on for the…

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art design history inspiration pragmatic historian

Tarot for Enlightenment

Happy Easter! Given the pandemic and the necessary stay-at-home order we are under, this is not a normal Easter. On a typical Easter, we would be getting together with family to eat a nice dinner and socialize. It would also be somewhat warmer. Instead, we are all in our individual homes doing homely (in the British sense of the word) things and it’s around freezing in Minnesota, with snow in the metro. I am writing…

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history museums pragmatic historian

Survival vs Thrive-al Services

One of the key points I keep making about history is that it is part of our infrastructure. Each community has a foundation of history, as does each state, and the nation as a whole. The unique history of each community, the events, people, organizations, and even its geography, gives the place its special character. These are the features that affect how the community develops. They also draw people to the community. The history of…

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