design ideas process tips

Bring Focus to Your Organization

I work for a nonprofit and co-own a business with my husband. When it comes to either type of organization, there are always far more ideas than we can put into practice. It’s also easy to be sidetracked … taken down a path that isn’t particularly good for your organization. How do you pick the most appropriate path? How do you decide what to do among hundreds of competing good ideas? Here’s a tool I…

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art ideas tips writing

Ideas from the LRAC Arts Resouce Fair

Hubby and I had an opportunity to attend the Lake Region Arts Council‘s Arts Resource Fair this past Saturday in Fergus Falls, MN. We live in Region 5, which is covered by the Five Wings Arts Council (FWAC). FWAC provided artists within its five counties (Cass, Crow Wing, Morrison, Todd & Wadena) the chance to attend the Arts Resource Fair, which is how we came to attend. The Arts Resource Fair allowed artists in Greater…

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olio reading thought fodder tips

Olio – December 29, 2015

Olio: a miscellaneous collection of thingsĀ  Do you ever run across so many fascinating items online that they back up before you get a chance to share them? I’m suffering that condition now but I’m going to control myself and share only 6 of them. Want to Create Things That Matter? Be Lazy. [99u] – While I agree with the basic premise of this article – that creating things of value, deep things, you have…

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ideas tips

Christmas, Edited

The holiday season has passed. We didn’t decorate one whit and I’m fine with that. When I was growing up, my mom was BIG on Christmas. We had specific traditions, but I’m not sure if she made them up or they were passed down from her family. We started in on stringing the popcorn and cranberries around Thanksgiving. For those of you unfamiliar with this tradition, popcorn and cranberries are strung onto white thread using…

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World Discovery: The Macro Setting

My lovin’ spouseful Erik spent some time watching a video today on how to take photos for posting items for sale online. The single most useful piece of information he took away from the video was truly a major world discovery for both of us. If you want to take close-up photos, check to see if your camera has a Macro setting. We have owned our digital camera for 7 or 8 years and have…

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