
Have You Ever Just Craved a Hot Dog?

It started subconsciously. With a conversation in which someone mentioned a hot dog, being fed to gar fish and snapping turtles no less. By evening, I was craving a hot dog. But, I didn’t get a hot dog. The craving stayed with me. By the next evening, when Hubby called wondering what we were having for dinner, I asked him to bring home hot dogs, which left his craving for burritos unmet. My favorite hot…

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Conscientious Dog Owners, Bah! Humbug!

Time to pretend I’m a grumpy old man shaking my fist at kids who would so much as look at my perfect lawn … but, darn, those conscientious dog owners! How dare they take their dogs out each day, giving them long strolls through the neighborhood? Who are these kind-hearted people who care about their pets? Have they been watching the Dog Whisperer or the Doggie Dominatrix? And why are there so many of them?…

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The gall of those galls teaching me something new!

See that pink fuzzy critter in the middle of this dried oak leaf? I thought it was some form of caterpillar cocoon. Some, nice cozy home out of which a butterfly or moth would hatch, with the fuzzy form being suitably appropriate to our Minnesota winters. Ha! I was close, but no cigar. This is a gall. Galls are formed by the activity of insects or mites on plants, including oak leaves, however, the galls…

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Who Is Lillian?

I had to chide my husband Erik today after we received this piece of mail: “Who’s Lillian?” I asked. From the language in the mailer, it’s obvious the advertiser is aiming to encourage my husband to spark some romance through the purchase of jewelry. “From the moment you first met her, you knew you were destined for each other. This Christmas, express the depth of your eternal bond with a pendant that truly celebrates your…

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observations thought fodder

Who Needs 10 Sets of Dishes?

I read an article from the St. Paul Pioneer Press via the Brainerd Dispatch recently that I’m feeling the need to talk back to. The article is called “Antiques dealers find industry lagging, numbers shrinking – hope for eventual renaissance.” It quotes a number of people in the industry discussing how antiques stores are going out of business and making comments about how young people just aren’t interested in old things anymore. One says the…

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