ideas inspiration process writing

Writing in My Sleep

Royel M. Johnson posted an interesting question on Twitter recently. I shared the tweet with a reply: “Yes, I definitely write in my sleep.” A quick, throwaway tweet. Or so I thought. A friend of mine suggested I write a blog post about it, so here we are, after a week of dream-writing. As soon as the suggestion was made, my sleeping brain went into overdrive and presented several vivid dreams with writing elements in…

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ideas inspiration olio

Olio: October 18, 2020

Olio: A miscellaneous collection of things (or, when I was trying to remember the definition of olio, what popped to mind was “random shit”). When I started this blog 6 years ago, I wanted a way to share miscellaneous stuff that I found interesting but with a heading I could use habitually, so I could find this stuff again. Hence, “olio.” My last olio post was in April 2016. Not sure how I lost track…

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history ideas observations pragmatic historian preservation work in progress

Embodied Energy Is Key to the Grand Unified Theory of Preservation

Big, complex ideas take a significant amount of thought. Such is the case with the Grand Unified Theory of Preservation I’ve been working on for years. The thinking has continued since I shared the post I wrote about the theory a couple of weeks ago on this blog. Friend and history colleague David Grabitske sparked fresh thinking about the theory with a question he left on LinkedIn: “Where does Language Preservation fit? Just curious.“ Yes,…

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Supplement Review – An Idea

I’m having one of those moments when there are too many things on my mind to blog about, which is making it tough to focus on just one. As I noodle around with the others, let me start with an idea I had based on dealing with eczema for a decade. In trying to find ways to keep my eczema under control, I’ve looked thoroughly at what I ingest, including foods and various supplements. I…

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history ideas pragmatic historian preservation

A Response to “Representation and The National Register in Minnesota”

This past week I read an interesting analysis of the National Register of Historic Places in regards to ethnic representation of Minnesota sites on the Register. The article appears on the Minnesota Local History blog and was written by Julia Larson. It is called “Representation and The National Register in Minnesota,” hence the title of my blog post. Julia analyzed the Minnesota listings on the National Register to determine which of those listed under the…

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