ideas observations

Questions About the Microbiome

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about the microbiome … all the microorganisms that hang out in and around human beings, many of which don’t (necessarily) kill us. A number of articles about the microbiome have come to my attention recently, including this one that makes me think Charles Schultz’s character Pigpen was an accurate representation of human beings.  My sister-in-law shared this YouTube video, “Live Dirty, Eat Clean! Why The Microbiome Is The Future of…

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ideas inspiration olio reading

Olio – June 15, 2015

Olio: a miscellaneous collection of things Here are a few online items I’ve found intriguing lately. The Power of the Long Walk from 99u – Walking is definitely one of my go-to activities for creative thought. I walk twice a day with Doggle Woggle and while helpful, they’re not really long enough for creative musing. It doesn’t help that I have to be ever watchful lest the dog see a squirrel or freak out about…

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