history pragmatic historian

How Do We Deal with Historical Trauma?

Carried through the centuries Secrets locked up Are loaded on my back And it weighs me down Stanza from Exo-Politics from the album Black Holes and Revelations by Muse, lyrics by Matt Bellamy My husband gave me a couple of Muse CDs for Christmas, which I have been listening to obsessively since I received them. One of my favorite songs from the album Black Holes and Revelations is Exo-Politics for its gritty, rooty sound. The…

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inspiration observations

Lessons from a Wedding

  Last Saturday, September 10, 2016, our daughter Olivia married a kind, sweet young man named Eric. Because his name is Eric and my hubby’s name is Erik, I’ve taken to saying “Olivia’s Eric” and “My Erik” in order to distinguish between the two. We are absolutely delighted to have Olivia’s Eric join the family.     Olivia and Eric’s wedding was a lovely affair that took place on a beautiful farm in central Minnesota…

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