history pragmatic historian

History Is Embedded in Language

I just finished reading a novel by Alena Graedon called “The Word Exchange.” The basic plot is that technology, both in the form of handheld devices called “Memes” and a wearable called “Nautilus,” causes what is called a word flu, wherein people start substituting regular words with nonsense words. For some, the flu, which also causes other physical symptoms, is deadly, or it may cause a permanent “silencing” of individuals. Of course, corporate greed and…

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history pragmatic historian

Making Press Releases More Helpful for Media Outlets

A quick post for this week, inspired by Joe Hoover of the Minnesota Historical Society (MNHS) during a break at the 2019 Minnesota State Historic Preservation Conference in St. Cloud. (Yeah, yeah, this is my third post related to the conference, but conferences really suggest a wealth of material for blog posts.) Joe puts together MNHS’s email newsletter Local History News, which is a compilation of history events, announcements and job postings from history organizations…

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history pragmatic historian

Climate Change and Historic Preservation

During the recent 2019 State Historic Preservation Conference held in St. Cloud, the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) opened up its revamping of the Minnesota Statewide Historic Preservation Plan 2020-2030 for ideas from stakeholders and the public. (You can add your thoughts and ideas through this online survey.) There was a table with sticky notes and we were asked what we thought the most pressing concerns were in regards to historic preservation that should be…

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history pragmatic historian

2019 Minnesota Historic Preservation Conference – Preserving Landscapes

On September 12 and 13 (Friday the 13th, with nothing untoward happening), 2019, the Minnesota Historic Preservation Conference was held in St. Cloud, Minnesota. This conference is held annually by the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and is meant to bring together people who care about historic preservation in order to exchange ideas and learn new methods for encouraging preservation in our communities. To that end, the Preservation Conference changes location each year and is…

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history museums pragmatic historian

Advice on Hiring Museum Contractors

This might post might feel a bit off-topic for The Pragmatic Historian, but I know several of my colleagues in the Minnesota history museum field are in my audience and I need to pass along some advice. (Appropriately enough, today is Labor Day and the topic relates to the day.) The Legacy Amendment & Grants Some background for those not in Minnesota: In 2008 voters passed the Legacy Amendment, which provides sales tax funding for…

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