art design ideas thought fodder

Sustainable Creativity

As an artist who cares about the environment, I am keenly aware of all the stuff I put into the world when I make things. I am also aware of the resources I consume in making those things. We have reached critical mass with over-consumption and over-production in society, especially American society. Visit any antique store and look at all the useless crap that sits on shelves, of no real purpose other than having something…

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art design inspiration reading

Reading: The Secret Lives of Color

Dear gosh and dear golly! I’ve changed my blog theme (appearance) again! The last one wasn’t up long, only since the end of April 2018, but I wasn’t in love with it. I was really in love with my last theme (the one with the pink & green leaves at the top and the black background), but it was no longer being updated, so I was forced to find something new. I searched high and…

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art observations

Moody Crow

I was going to write a post on how I use Twitter, but the day is escaping me, so here is a photo instead. I saw this crow land on this pole building near my house. Actually, I heard its claws scrape the metal as it landed. This building is in an industrial area with an old business with agricultural structures nearby. I caught the following shots, too.  

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art design

Blended Photo 1 – Trestle With Escaping Water

I have the Autodesk Pixlr app (remember when we used to call apps software?) loaded on my computer. One of the most interesting editing features on this app is the Double Exposure tool found in the Refine menu. I was messing around one day and started experimenting with this tool, which allows you to lay one photo on top of another and change the transparency with a few settings that are part of the tool.…

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art design projects

Slow Art: Corvid Bag

I completed another slow art piece this past week. Years and years ago I was inspired by the Ojibwe bandolier bags in my museum’s collection to make a bag that was roughly the same shape, featuring a large square pouch and wide shoulder strap. The feature of bandolier bags that makes them so incredibly beautiful is the bead applique, which covers practically the entire pouch and strap. This makes for a very heavy bag, but…

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