ideas tips

Knowing Healthcare Costs Before Incurring Them

Healthcare costs have become insane since the Affordable Care Act became law. I don’t blame the law itself. I blame the fact that the law is based on a market system that allows health insurance companies to set rates and rake Americans over the coals in terms of premiums, deductibles and out-of-pocket costs. The system is broken because it is based on a false premise: That healthcare should be attached to profit and that insurance…

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Letters to Legislators

Letters to Legislators: Investigate the Russian Connection

Nothing like a coup d’etat to get citizens engaged, eh? As our federal and state governments work hard – and rapidly – to strip the rights and societal protections of average Americans, we average Americans are stepping up, writing to legislators, marching, and making ourselves heard. Last week, I wrote postcards to my state legislators regarding a mute button that was installed at the State Capitol. This morning, I wrote to them about the Uniform…

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Letters to Legislators thought fodder writing

Letters to Legislators: Disable the Mute Button

When I was a kid, my mom used to laugh at me for yelling at the TV whenever I saw injustice playing out on shows. Yes, most of these shows were fiction, but I simply couldn’t stand the unfairness. One of my kindred spirits, a woman who could not tolerate injustice, is Eleanor Roosevelt. She died before I was born, but we share the same birthday, October 11, and I wrote a research paper on…

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observations thought fodder

Facebook Is Our New Town Square

I promised a second blog post that was inspired by this Facebook meme. Here it is. As much as we might hate it, Facebook has become our new town square. Starting in this last U.S. pre-election cycle, political posts overtook Facebook as individuals shared their views and tried to sway family, friends and co-workers  with their opinions. Often, nasty things were said. Post-election, the political sharing has become more intense as citizens attempt to figure…

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observations thought fodder

We Need to Stop Treating the U.S. Government Like a Furnace

This meme greeted me on Facebook one day and it irked me, as often these Facebook memes do. Usually, it’s because they strip complicated issues down and leave important parts out, serving as sound bites that rarely get analyzed. I can’t not analyze them and argue back. This one is so irksome to me that it’s generating at least 2 blog posts. Here’s the first. Until the most recent election cycle and the takeover of…

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