inspiration reading

YOCR #12 – Art Before Breakfast

A very quick Year of Creative Reading post. As it turns out, even though I’m taking an online class with the Loft Literary Center, I have managed to read two books since the class started at the beginning of July. Admittedly, both were easy reads, which is why I could fit them in with the reading I’m doing for class. One book doesn’t really match the theme of creative reading. It is Jon Acuff’s “Do…

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art observations


Continuing my floral-themed somewhat frivolous blog posts (frivolous only because they don’t take long to write, but not in terms of the beauty of these plants), here are a couple of photos from the hostas we have in the yard. We were fortunate to adopt what turned into an entire bed of hostas (and then some) from a gardener who was thinning her plants a few years ago. The hostas are looking healthy and gorgeous…

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art observations

Tiger Lily

The lily crop has been tremendous this year. One after another the lilies in our yard have been taking turns blooming. I’ve been waiting a week to see how the Tiger Lilies were going to pop. Here is the first one. I was not disappointed. The great thing is there are more to come. I was lucky enough to capture some interesting close-ups. Check out the structure of the different parts of the lily, especially…

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observations writing

Curious Puppy

I’m finding that my Loft online writing class isn’t taking as much time as I expected it would, which is a good thing. The Loft is obviously considerate of the fact that those of us taking its classes (especially the online ones) have lots of other obligations in our lives and need to fit our writing in where we can. I’m enjoying the class immensely and learning helpful ideas regarding plotting novels and stories, which…

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