family health history pragmatic historian

Fully Vaccinated from COVID

Yesterday, Hubby and I got our second COVID shots, after having the first on March 26, 2021. Our clinic was offering patients the Pfizer vaccine and asked if we would like them. Because a new baby is entering our family soon, we jumped at the chance. Symptoms after the first shot included tiredness, a very sore arm, a little bit of body aching, and, for me, tingling in my fingers, especially in my left hand.…

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Supplement Review – An Idea

I’m having one of those moments when there are too many things on my mind to blog about, which is making it tough to focus on just one. As I noodle around with the others, let me start with an idea I had based on dealing with eczema for a decade. In trying to find ways to keep my eczema under control, I’ve looked thoroughly at what I ingest, including foods and various supplements. I…

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