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Thoughts on “Putting Work in Its Place”

  I follow Austin Kleon‘s email newsletter, through which he shares various internet pieces related to creativity. In the latest edition of the newsletter, there was a link to an article I found to be especially thoughtful. It contains excellent advice I wish I’d had when I was in high school or college. The article is called “Putting Work in Its Place” by Kate Kiefer Lee. In it she discusses how we don’t necessarily have…

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Olio – August 27, 2015

Olio: a miscellaneous collection of things The internet is such a treasure trove of wonderful things that sometimes I just have to share. (Seeing how much other folks share via social media channels, I am not alone in this.) First up, a powerful video shared by a friend on Facebook. In it, Francine Christophe relates a story from her days spent as a prisoner in a Nazi concentration camp. It’s amazing how much humanity can…

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