history pragmatic historian time

Do Your Civic Duty – Fill Out the 2020 Census

In July 2019, which feels so veeeeery long ago now, I discussed the importance of the census, how getting an accurate count of everyone who lives in the United States is important for the distribution of government funding, figuring out how many representatives states have in Congress, and for future historians wanting data about who was living where and with whom. Guess what? It’s census time RIGHT NOW! April 1, 2020 is Census Day. It…

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history pragmatic historian

Making History with the 2020 Census

The Importance of an Accurate Census I recently attended a board retreat in Rochester, MN, for the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits (MCN) having joined the board this year (2019). During the retreat, there was a panel entitled “Census 2020: Nonprofits Take Action.” When it comes to the United States’ democratic republic, we hear a lot about getting people out to vote in elections. However, one of the main foundations of having proper representation for the…

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