history pragmatic historian writing

Thoughts on Blogging in 2021

I am creeping up on my 15th blog anniversary, come September 8, 2021. Fourteen-plus years! I can’t believe it’s been that long or that I’d still be in love with this format after all this time. (Here’s where I started.) Periodically over these years I’ve done a bit of naval gazing about the topic of blogging, usually triggered by something I’ve read. Such is the case with this post. I recently read a great blog…

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family ideas projects writing

Book Giveaway Box Transformed Into a Writing Nook

In June 2016, my husband and I finally put up our book giveaway box. It was supposed to be a Little Free Library, but that’s a branded thing and you have to register your box in order to use the name. I never registered our box and I’m glad we didn’t. Quite a few Little Free Libraries have popped up in our community. Not too long ago, someone also put up a larger box that…

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action ideas writing

My Values – Because I Can’t Control How People (Mis)Interpret My Work

I’ve been blogging steadily since 2006, writing publicly in other venues long before that, and creating art since I was a child. I often write about complex topics that have multiple viewpoints. No matter how carefully I present my thoughts on a subject, there’s a likelihood that people will misinterpret what I write or create. My first experience with this was with a piece of art, a reversible weaving I had done in pale green…

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history pragmatic historian writing

Leaving Behind a Written Legacy

I finished reading a novel called “When You Read This” by Mary Adkins last night. I bought it at Savers thrift store and was attracted to it by the cover and inside flap text. The general gist of the story is that a woman named Iris has died of cancer and has left behind a blog that she wants her boss to publish as a book. The book is written as a series of Iris’s…

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ideas inspiration process writing

Writing in My Sleep

Royel M. Johnson posted an interesting question on Twitter recently. I shared the tweet with a reply: “Yes, I definitely write in my sleep.” A quick, throwaway tweet. Or so I thought. A friend of mine suggested I write a blog post about it, so here we are, after a week of dream-writing. As soon as the suggestion was made, my sleeping brain went into overdrive and presented several vivid dreams with writing elements in…

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