music observations technology

Twitter Requiem – Join Me at Mastodon

When I pinned a portion of the lyrics to Duran Duran’s song “Future Past” on my Twitter feed on December 31, 2021, little did I know they would serve as a requiem for the site. If you’ve not been following the Twitter saga, gazillionaire Elon Musk, who seems to have more money than sense, purchased Twitter and has been burning it all to the ground in the course of a few weeks. I have been…

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challenge family observations technology

An Inelegant Map Solution

I spent much of last week driving in the Twin Cities metro. It’s an area I haven’t had to navigate much on my own because my husband loves to drive and has an excellent directional ability, so he’s done almost all the driving whenever we visit. (He’s so good at driving that even if he gets momentarily lost and turns the wrong way, he instantly knows it, saying, “This doesn’t feel right.”) As a passenger,…

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family ideas observations technology


Meep. A tiny, made up word in the Warner family that does a lot of work for its size. Meep. It’s a word that mostly I use when communicating via text with two family members. Thus, it falls into the category of family language, wherein a family group uses language in special ways just among its members. Meep. I started using this word when Young Son entered the navy several years ago. After bootcamp, he…

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challenge technology

Emailing Yourself Stuff

My friend and fellow historian David Grabitske threw down a writing  challenge on Twitter recently. The following tweet passed through my timeline recently from Stephanie @SimplyDreamin95: “Does anyone else email themselves stuff they need to save on another device and read or do you have your life together? #PhDLife” I retweeted Stephanie’s tweet and said: “I email myself stuff aaaalllll the time to read and save it on another device.” David replied that he did…

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family history music pragmatic historian technology

iPod Receipt

As Hubby and I sift through our stuff to get ready for a move, interesting items pop up. Last week I discussed the “Love Ya 2 Pizzas” box (which would have been very appropriate to today – Valentine’s Day). Today, it’s the receipt for my iPod. I came across this Walmart receipt for my Apple iPod music player while I was gathering old electronics from around the house for recycling. It was still in the…

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