history museums pragmatic historian writing

A Research Surprise That Isn’t All That Surprising

As I contemplated today’s blog post last night, I realized I didn’t have any blog topics in my back pocket, waiting to be written. When you have a regular blogging practice, this happens occasionally and you’ve got to think of something fast to write about. While Twitter is generally good for immediate blog post inspiration, what’s top of mind for me is research I’m doing at work on a guy who lived in my county…

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family health history pragmatic historian

Fully Vaccinated from COVID

Yesterday, Hubby and I got our second COVID shots, after having the first on March 26, 2021. Our clinic was offering patients the Pfizer vaccine and asked if we would like them. Because a new baby is entering our family soon, we jumped at the chance. Symptoms after the first shot included tiredness, a very sore arm, a little bit of body aching, and, for me, tingling in my fingers, especially in my left hand.…

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family health pragmatic historian preservation writing


When it comes to writing, there are some articles that take a while to develop, sometimes months, sometimes years, because there are pieces missing that you sense are missing, but you haven’t yet found them. Such is the case with today’s blog post. In December 2020, I made a note about “Moms as social glue – keeping families together across space & time.” This is something I’ve seen in my family, particularly on my dad’s…

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history pragmatic historian

Captivating Public History – Ask A Mortician

My husband finds the most interesting things to watch. I’ve come to depend on him to bring me fresh television, movies, and videos. Recently, he introduced me to the YouTube channel “Ask A Mortician” by Caitlin Doughty. The channel has over 1.46 million subscribers (I am now one of them) and it is easy to see why. The subject matter (death!) and Caitlin, with her Bettie Page haircut and approachable, humorous, manner, are captivating. She…

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history pragmatic historian writing

Thoughts on Blogging in 2021

I am creeping up on my 15th blog anniversary, come September 8, 2021. Fourteen-plus years! I can’t believe it’s been that long or that I’d still be in love with this format after all this time. (Here’s where I started.) Periodically over these years I’ve done a bit of naval gazing about the topic of blogging, usually triggered by something I’ve read. Such is the case with this post. I recently read a great blog…

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