
An Observation About Mosquito Bites

  This morning, while walking Doggle Woggle, I was bit by a mosquito in the crook of my arm. I smashed the mosquito and went on my way. The bite swelled up, as mosquito bites normally do, and it itched a little. Here’s the interesting thing about my mosquito bites. Ever since I developed eczema a number of years ago, I’ve noticed that mosquito bites do not last long on me. Where they typically remained…

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art observations

Variations on a Theme

The lilies in our yard are just starting to bloom. Because of the combination of a few days of rain followed by a few days of sun, & etc., that we’ve had this summer, the leaves of the lilies are vibrant green and very healthy. There’s nothing I like better than taking my camera out and shooting dozens of photos, often of the same plant, but from different views or with different settings … variations…

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Selfie: Dog and I

After my last post, which is serious, I wanted to put up something lighthearted. I’m not sure how I managed this photo because it is almost impossible to get a clear shot of Doggle Woggle. He moves too much. But, here it is, a selfie of Aleksandr and I in the dining room at home. (Note the way-cool painting in the background.) I am remarkably clear and my eyes are open. (My family knows what…

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art inspiration observations

A Dog of Incredible Cuteness

I wanted to write a serious blog post tonight, but I spent so much time mowing lawn today that I don’t have the brain power for it. Instead, I only have energy for posting photos of my incredibly cute dog. (I could say I’m not biased in my opinion of him, but I would be lying.) Don’t dogs make great internet subjects? No worries about violating their privacy or offending them while poking a little…

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Time Again for Lilacs

One of my favorite parts of spring is when the lilacs bloom. It’s that time again. Here is a pic of the riotous bush in the back of our yard. And here are some close-ups. We have one lilac bush in the yard that we planted long ago but it hasn’t produced much in the way of flowers, until this year. The fragrance, especially of the purple lilacs due to their number, is heavenly.

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