inspiration observations

Lessons from a Wedding

  Last Saturday, September 10, 2016, our daughter Olivia married a kind, sweet young man named Eric. Because his name is Eric and my hubby’s name is Erik, I’ve taken to saying “Olivia’s Eric” and “My Erik” in order to distinguish between the two. We are absolutely delighted to have Olivia’s Eric join the family.     Olivia and Eric’s wedding was a lovely affair that took place on a beautiful farm in central Minnesota…

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Climate Change in Central Minnesota

  I woke to a major thunderstorm this morning. It is the end of August. Growing up in central Minnesota, you become accustomed to general weather patterns. Sure, some winters are colder than others; some summers are hotter or rainier than others; and weather is not climate. However, this past 10 years, we are increasingly seeing the effects of a warmer climate on our local weather. Thunderstorms and tornadoes are primarily spring and early summer…

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The Grape Vines Have Taken Over

Every year, for as long as we have been in this house (20+ years), probably longer, the grape vines, which seem to originate at the back of the yard near the shed, take over. They snake across the clothes lines and up into the trees, dominating small bushes so that we can’t see them. In at least one (maybe two) areas of the yard, the vines are so thick over the bushes that you could…

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Surely the News Isn’t All This Bad

When I went online this evening, I checked out Google News, as I often do, just to get a handle on the major news of the day. Under the section for U.S. news, these are the headlines I was greeted with: Only four headlines were provided under the U.S. news section and every one of them deals with violent death. It’s enough to make me want to crawl under a rock. Certainly there was some…

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art observations

The Tiger Lilies Are Blooming

In mid-June, I posted a bunch of photos of the top of a lily. This was prior to the lily blooming and I couldn’t remember what sort of lily was going to pop out. Now I know. It was a tiger lily. We’ve got a bunch and they are gorgeous and tall, as are all the lilies this year. Have  a look …

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