art design family fiber art home work in progress

Cheering Up the Bathroom

Painting in the new house continues.  A couple of weekends ago, we decided to erase the gray in the small first-floor bathroom, which is just a half-bath. You could call it a powder room if anyone used powder in there, but we don’t. There’s white wainscoting in the bathroom and a white cabinet, which we quite liked. We wanted to cheer up the bathroom, so we picked a bright yellow. Because the bathroom is so…

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family fiber art home projects

Presto-Change-O! A Fiber Arts Room

Work continues in the house. The latest project completed this week was the transformation of a bedroom into my new fiber arts room. I’ve never had a room devoted solely to my fiber arts storage and activities. Instead, in our old house, I tucked things in corners and used an open hallway for both sewing and my office desk. At one point, I had a floor loom in the dining room, but I could never…

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art fiber art museums technology

On the Practicality of a Weaving Degree

On Mastodon Sunday, not one, but TWO articles that mentioned weaving came across my timeline. Weaving is one of the lesser-practiced fiber arts, certainly not discussed as often as knitting or crocheting on social media. Likely because it takes quite a bit of money and some training if you want to weave using a floor loom. My training in weaving actually came in college. I majored in visuals arts with a concentration in weaving. Anyone…

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art family fiber art history home pragmatic historian

House Excavations: The Makings of Childhood

House Excavations: The Makings of Childhood The sorting continues …. The past number of weeks, I’ve been packing boxes with books and décor, trying to sort as I go. There’s no sense moving stuff we no longer want. And when you’ve lived in a house for close to 30 years, it’s amazing how much stuff accumulates that you no longer have a use for or, worse yet, never had a use for and can’t figure…

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art challenge design fiber art ideas inspiration writing

Fiber Artists of the Apocalypse

The inspiration for this post comes from Liz Haywood, a clothing designer in Australia who has been focusing on creating zero-waste patterns. She shares her fashion adventures on The Craft of Clothes [] blog. In her November 1, 2021, post, she wrote about “Fashion in a dystopian world,” inspired by her children’s recent interest in post-apocalyptic fiction. She shared photos she found online showing the current concept of dystopian clothing, which includes a lot of…

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