challenge technology

Emailing Yourself Stuff

My friend and fellow historian David Grabitske threw down a writing  challenge on Twitter recently. The following tweet passed through my timeline recently from Stephanie @SimplyDreamin95: “Does anyone else email themselves stuff they need to save on another device and read or do you have your life together? #PhDLife” I retweeted Stephanie’s tweet and said: “I email myself stuff aaaalllll the time to read and save it on another device.” David replied that he did…

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challenge family projects

708 Books

Over the past week or so, I have been culling my book collection. Before I did, I took photos of the bookshelves in our house and counted all of our books. As you can see from the photos, we have books all over the house. In my initial count, I found 691 books in the house. I had no idea there were that many. Most of them are mine, but Hubby and Young Son Number…

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action challenge ideas observations

Whatever Happened to Anger Management?

Recently, my husband and I were watching an old episode of The New Detectives, a crime show that investigated actual cases, on Netflix. During a particular episode in which a guy was found to have killed an ex-girlfriend, it was revealed that he had been referred for anger management classes. Upon hearing that term, I realized that it seems to have faded away from public consciousness. It was a term that was used a lot…

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art challenge design fiber art ideas inspiration writing

Fiber Artists of the Apocalypse

The inspiration for this post comes from Liz Haywood, a clothing designer in Australia who has been focusing on creating zero-waste patterns. She shares her fashion adventures on The Craft of Clothes [] blog. In her November 1, 2021, post, she wrote about “Fashion in a dystopian world,” inspired by her children’s recent interest in post-apocalyptic fiction. She shared photos she found online showing the current concept of dystopian clothing, which includes a lot of…

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challenge family projects thought fodder tips

Being on Camera

Being on camera is not natural for most people, particularly those of us who grew up without constantly being attached to a phone camera. When I was a kid, film was expensive to process and most rolls came with only 24 shots, so you didn’t want to waste them on goofy or unimportant subjects, like pictures of food or a cat playing with a toy. Also, parents weren’t likely to let their kids “play” with…

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