art health music writing

Prince – “Sometimes I Stand in Awe of What I Do Myself”

Got a Covid booster yesterday and feeling achy with a mild fever and sore arm today, so a short blog post. I saw this great quote from Minnesota musician Prince’s Twitter account a couple days ago and had to save it. I would never in a billion-and-a-half years ever compare my creative output to the stratosphere of Prince’s creative brilliance, but I actually know what he means by this quote. As a writer and artist,…

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art challenge design fiber art ideas inspiration writing

Fiber Artists of the Apocalypse

The inspiration for this post comes from Liz Haywood, a clothing designer in Australia who has been focusing on creating zero-waste patterns. She shares her fashion adventures on The Craft of Clothes [] blog. In her November 1, 2021, post, she wrote about “Fashion in a dystopian world,” inspired by her children’s recent interest in post-apocalyptic fiction. She shared photos she found online showing the current concept of dystopian clothing, which includes a lot of…

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art history writing

Just the Punctuation

I ran across a cool new tool on Twitter recently. Created by tech writer Clive Thompson (@pomeranian99 on Twitter), the tool strips all the letters from your writing, leaving you only the punctuation. It’s called Just the Punctuation []. If you’re a writer, go ahead and give it a try. Paste some of your writing into the box and click the Submit button at the bottom. It helps if you use  a substantial piece of…

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art family music writing

Family Creative Projects

I have an immensely creative family from all quarters. Artists, writers, musicians, we’ve got it all. Most of us have grown up steeped in the arts and practice some form of creative endeavor. Recently, three family members finished major creative projects that I want to share here out of pride and support. Fetch – Spirit Tamer Eldest Son, Ian Warner, just finished a month-long game-creation challenge from Manticore Games. The result is a role-playing game…

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art challenge family history ideas museums pragmatic historian preservation

What To Do With Three Handmade Baptism Gowns?

As a fiber artist, when each of my three children were born, I saw it as an opportunity to make them baptism gowns. Eldest son’s baptism gown was a joint effort between me and my sister-in-law Stacy. I wove the fabric and she designed the gown and jacket using the fabric. As a less-confident sewer at that point, I was hesitant to cut my handwoven fabric, so I was really happy to have Stacy’s help.…

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