pragmatic historian time

A Bit of Blog Housekeeping on The Pragmatic Historian

I’ve been blogging madly these past few weeks, publishing 3 posts a week as I work to get my blog established. Mostly, this is a strategy that I hoped would allow Google to find and index The Pragmatic Historian quickly.

My strategy seems to have worked. The blog shows up on the first page of Google results when you search for it by name. It’s #6 on the page, which isn’t too shabby.

Now that I’ve got a solid base of posts published, starting next week I’m going to shift to a posting schedule of twice a week.

I’ll move from posting Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (at 8:33 a.m., an oddly specific time but not when you consider my little clock obsession with this blog) to Mondays and Thursdays (at 8:33 a.m., naturally!).

Because I don’t seem to have a photo of a clock showing the time at 8:33, please enjoy my photo of a clock at the Oliver Kelley Farm instead. (Now you’re going to have to go look for it, aren’t you?)

Thanks for reading!

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