challenge history pragmatic historian

Planning & Taking Nostalgia Trips

In my post “Making a Bucket List of History,” I mentioned taking “regular nostalgia trips through my collections of photos, books, music, fiber arts supplies and projects, and my writing notebooks.” When it comes to nostalgia trips, most of them arise in a haphazard fashion. People will be going about their business and something, be it a place or a sound or a scent or a phrase or an artifact, will instantly send them packing…

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history pragmatic historian

Using History to Motivate Change

While the title of this post may not exactly match the language at the top of History’s Hierarchy of Purpose … Using the Past to Shape the Future … the sentiment is the same. There is a lot you can do with history to shape the future, which is why I am now on blog post #3 regarding the subject. When I got the initial idea for this post, I was thinking about how our…

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history pragmatic historian

The Personal Historians Inside You

Wouldn’t it be fun to have a personal historian assigned to you, someone to capture the significant details of your life? As it turns out, we each have several personal historians hitching a ride within our bodies. One of these personal historians is memory, the neurological mechanism that allows us to remember what has happened over time. The constancy of memory helps to shape our personalities, keeps us from entering dangerous situations, and encourages us…

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