history pragmatic historian

The Skills History Teaches

As I’ve been working through History’s Hierarchy of Purpose, I’ve been thinking more deeply about all the skills that practicing history can teach us. As I continue to unpack that, I’ve come across a couple of articles that mention some of those skills. Fernande Raine discusses some of these skills in her Medium article, “Why History is Good for You [https://medium.com/@fernande/why-history-is-good-for-you-353d393776df].” I wholeheartedly agree with her assessment that history is cool, but that it suffers…

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Olio – February 2, 2016

Olio: a miscellaneous collection of things Happy Groundhog Day! The fat, disinterested rodent didn’t see his shadow, so spring is supposedly coming early. Although with the warm temps this past weekend, we don’t need a rodent to forecast this for us. While we wait for spring, here are items of interest from my online browsing. From The Coffeelicious on Medium – “The Discontent Optimist” – In my middle age I have become wary of too…

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thought fodder

Creating Is Not About the Fame

A quick post today, an article I want to share that discusses writing and fame. It’s by Jeff Goins and appears on Medium, one of my favorite sites for long-form essays. It’s called “The Truth About Going Viral” and is about what happened when one of Jeff’s blog posts unexpectedly went viral. Interesting to note that it went viral a year after he wrote it, showing that some half-forgotten (or fully forgotten) post you wrote…

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