action history ideas pragmatic historian

Defenders of Democracy

Do not capitulate to the authoritarian in advance. I have heard this advice from pro-democracy experts numerous times over the past few months. It’s critical advice when faced with an incoming President who promises to be a vindictive dictator from Day One. In the United States, all of us hold the freedom of speech dear, especially the freedom to criticize our government officials, and this is one area, among many, where we should not capitulate.…

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observations technology

LinkedIn – A Curious Social Media Creature

Apparently, according to the email I got from LinkedIn recently, I’ve been on the site for 15 years. How can that possibly be? Feels like I joined only a few years ago. Of course, this could be because I’ve only become really active on it in the past few years. And since Twitter fell into the slop bucket and Facebook has become a nest of non-stop advertising (both undergoing enshittification, as Cory Doctorow would put…

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family observations reading writing

The Weirdness of Autographs

A couple of Sundays ago, Hubby and I went to hear Cory Doctorow speak. Cory is a prolific writer who writes at the intersection of technology and policy, excoriating corporations that harm society and the politicians who play to corporations at the expense of the majority of us. He keeps a link blog called Pluralistic ( and has written both fiction and nonfiction related to tech and policy. Over the course of the pandemic, he…

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ideas thought fodder

What I Don’t Understand About Retirement Plans

Please forgive me. This is going to be one of those blog posts that reproduces a bunch of screenshots from a Mastodon conversation, kinda like the articles that are a reproduction of Twitter screenshots, but I hope to use them as context for additional thoughts based on the conversation. It started with an article about Milton Friedman called “Ideas Lying Around,” written and posted by Cory Doctorow. [] From which I quoted a paragraph about…

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reading technology

A Thriller About Forensic Accounting … Really, I Mean It

It has been a tough haul reading books this year. It took me a couple of months to read one book, The World Without Us, so it was a pleasure to find a book that I could read quickly. The book I found was Red Team Blues by Cory Doctorow. What attracted me to the book was that it was billed as a thriller about a forensic accountant. That might not seem like the most…

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