art design inspiration reading writing

Thoughts on “Putting Work in Its Place”

  I follow Austin Kleon‘s email newsletter, through which he shares various internet pieces related to creativity. In the latest edition of the newsletter, there was a link to an article I found to be especially thoughtful. It contains excellent advice I wish I’d had when I was in high school or college. The article is called “Putting Work in Its Place” by Kate Kiefer Lee. In it she discusses how we don’t necessarily have…

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olio reading writing

Olio: April 12, 2016

Olio: a miscellaneous collection of things Here are some items of interest I’ve found online recently. —– For data geeks, Minnesota Compass has created geographic profiles for Minnesota cities over 1,000 in population. —– From Unstuck: How to be a better complainer – As a bit of a contrarian, I am weary of the constant societal push for everyone to be positive all the time, like we’re never supposed to complain about life. This article…

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ideas reading writing


The unfathomable has happened. I am bookless. I don’t think I’ve been bookless since I was in elementary school. Once I finally got the hang of reading (I was a late reader, having caused first grade teachers some distress with my lack of literary ability) and had a library card, I was never without a stack of books to read by my bedside. Even though people told me that college would ruin me for reading,…

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design inspiration writing

My Beautiful New 2016 Day Book

It’s that time of year again … time to buy a new calendar/day book for the upcoming year. I’ve been keeping a day book for years and years now, probably since the 1990s, when my sister-in-law bought me my first one. At the time, I was journaling long-hand in notebooks, trying to follow the suggestion in “The Artist’s Way” about writing three pages per day. The long-hand requirement drove me crazy because I didn’t always…

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observations writing

Barely Managed Chaos

My husband Erik and I have been living a life of barely managed chaos since his dad, Art, died on August 16. We’re not alone in this roller coaster, whirlwind day-to-day. Erik’s mom, Jan, is there too, as is my co-worker, who lost her mom two weeks after we lost Art. As if massive grief from the loss of a loved-one isn’t enough, two close family members are in the process of moving (we’re helping…

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