music olio reading

Olio: October 11, 2021

Olio: A miscellaneous collection of things Today is National Coming Out Day and Indigenous Peoples’ Day (with President Joe Biden the first president to officially proclaim it so). Those are great holidays to have as part of my birthday. I’ve had a number of small ideas for blog posts over the past couple of weeks and rather than write each one out separately, I thought I’d share a bunch in one of my Olio posts.…

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ideas inspiration olio

Olio: October 18, 2020

Olio: A miscellaneous collection of things (or, when I was trying to remember the definition of olio, what popped to mind was “random shit”). When I started this blog 6 years ago, I wanted a way to share miscellaneous stuff that I found interesting but with a heading I could use habitually, so I could find this stuff again. Hence, “olio.” My last olio post was in April 2016. Not sure how I lost track…

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history olio pragmatic historian thought fodder

Food for Thought on Independence Day 2020

2020 has been a tumultuous year so far, as many people have pointed out already. We have a pandemic to contend with that has caused 132,000 deaths in the United States, massive unemployment, and economic upheaval. Donald T**** and his White House Administration, with the all-out encouragement of the Republican party at all levels of government, has created chaos by continually dismantling whatever parts of the federal government he can get his hands on. And…

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olio reading writing

Olio: April 12, 2016

Olio: a miscellaneous collection of things Here are some items of interest I’ve found online recently. —– For data geeks, Minnesota Compass has created geographic profiles for Minnesota cities over 1,000 in population. —– From Unstuck: How to be a better complainer – As a bit of a contrarian, I am weary of the constant societal push for everyone to be positive all the time, like we’re never supposed to complain about life. This article…

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Olio – March 7, 2016

  Olio: a miscellaneous collection of things I haven’t put together an Olio post in a few weeks. Here’s some of the interesting stuff I’ve found. Why Creative People Are Rarely Seen As Leaders by Susan Cain. Cain has written extensively about introversion and this is a further exploration of that personality trait. **** Famous Painters Did Not Do Their Best Work While Grieving, Study Says by Carey Dunne – It’s so easy to think of…

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