art inspiration olio reading thought fodder

Olio: December 13, 2015

  Olio: a miscellaneous collection of things — My recent internet findings … I had not heard the terms “trigger warnings” or “microagressions” until the past month. Now I’m seeing the whole phenomenon surrounding me. For a good article that explains both, see “The Coddling of the American Mind” from The Atlantic. South Park has also been exploring the issue in recent episodes with the character P.C. Principal. “i will let go of my darkness when…

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inspiration reading

YOCR #16 – The News: A User’s Manual

I wasn’t sure whether to count this book among my Year of Creative Reading, but decided I must when I realized it gave me an idea for a class I could create. Hey, if a book is that inspiring, surely it should count toward creative reading. I found this book quite by accident at the library. It’s called “The News: A User’s Manual” and was written by Alain de Botton. After looking through de Botton’s…

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ideas inspiration reading

Current Reading: Saving Capitalism

I follow economist Robert Reich on Facebook and appreciate the way he explains complicated financial topics. When he announced that his new book, “Saving Capitalism: For the Many, Not the Few”, was due to be released, I pre-ordered it from the library. When it arrived, I gobbled it up because Reich once again delivered complex subjects in his easy-to-understand style. The overall premise of the book, which should be obvious to anyone paying attention, is the…

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ideas inspiration olio

Olio – October 24, 2015

Olio: a miscellaneous collection of things So much fascinating stuff to see, read, hear, enjoy …. so little time. Passing along some of what I’ve found to you. The Unfair Truth About How Creative People Really Succeed – If you’re any kind of writer, artist, creative person, you need to read this, then you need to figure out how to build a network of support. Boredom is not a problem to be solved. It’s the last…

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ideas inspiration observations

iZombie and Not Following Instructions

Zombies and me, we have a thing. Last year I became supremely interested in zombies having had no prior interest in them before. (Heck, worse than no prior interest … I despised zombies because blood and gore. Yech!) What turned me into a zombie-lover? An idea. I wanted to use zombies to create a role-playing conference session to teach museum people about disaster planning. What better emergency can there be but the chaos caused by…

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