design family ideas observations

Designing Buildings with Space for the Practical & Messy

Erik and I spent the last few days helping our son Ian, his fiancé, and their roommate move to a new townhouse apartment. They had lived in their old apartment for about 10 years, so there was quite an accumulation of stuff to move. When you’ve got furniture, loads of boxes of heavy books, and other household paraphernalia to move in a short period of time, finding efficient ways to move it without killing everyone’s…

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art family music writing

Family Creative Projects

I have an immensely creative family from all quarters. Artists, writers, musicians, we’ve got it all. Most of us have grown up steeped in the arts and practice some form of creative endeavor. Recently, three family members finished major creative projects that I want to share here out of pride and support. Fetch – Spirit Tamer Eldest Son, Ian Warner, just finished a month-long game-creation challenge from Manticore Games. The result is a role-playing game…

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challenge family projects thought fodder tips

Being on Camera

Being on camera is not natural for most people, particularly those of us who grew up without constantly being attached to a phone camera. When I was a kid, film was expensive to process and most rolls came with only 24 shots, so you didn’t want to waste them on goofy or unimportant subjects, like pictures of food or a cat playing with a toy. Also, parents weren’t likely to let their kids “play” with…

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art challenge family history ideas museums pragmatic historian preservation

What To Do With Three Handmade Baptism Gowns?

As a fiber artist, when each of my three children were born, I saw it as an opportunity to make them baptism gowns. Eldest son’s baptism gown was a joint effort between me and my sister-in-law Stacy. I wove the fabric and she designed the gown and jacket using the fabric. As a less-confident sewer at that point, I was hesitant to cut my handwoven fabric, so I was really happy to have Stacy’s help.…

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action family ideas tips

Errand Hanging

This past week, my Eldest Son and his fiancé came to visit for a day. There were a few errands I had to run the morning of the day they were heading back home and I wanted to spend as much time as possible with them, so I invited them along. It was fun! I’ve done this before with relatives, sharing errand-running time with them. I didn’t know there was a term for this until…

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