design ideas observations

The Glory of Elastic in Shoes

I have skinny feet. Worse, I have very skinny heels. Almost any type of slip-on shoe, from flats to loafers to canvas tennis shoes, will not stay on my feet because there is too much space between my heels and the backs of shoes, which prevents the friction needed to keep them on. From a fashion point of view, this is annoying to the highest degree. It makes shoe-shopping a frustrating endeavor. I’ve had to…

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art design history observations

Impressions of My Fair Lady

I haven’t watched “My Fair Lady” since high school, but had occasion to watch it again recently (the occasion being to give my grandbaby time for a nap in my arms). It’s interesting to revisit movies that were childhood favorites after a long lapse in time. My impressions of the movie are different now. When I first watched the movie, it was because I admired Audrey Hepburn and I liked musicals. I didn’t give a…

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design history pragmatic historian product packaging

Scented Toilet Paper, Pastel Toilet Paper

Early on in the COVID-19 pandemic, when people were faced with a lockdown for several weeks, there was a run on toilet paper, paper towels, and facial tissue. Entire sections in stores where these were kept were empty. Strict limits were put on the number people could purchase at any given time. For months, there were gaps on the toilet paper shelves. Where there used to be several options for purchase, you were lucky if…

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design observations product packaging

Finally! Feminine Hygiene Products Become More Environmentally Friendly

While grocery shopping at Walmart recently, I found a significant change in the feminine hygiene products section. Can you spot a theme?         There is an entire section of environmentally-friendly feminine products … finally! Of course there were still plenty of the standard products made with all sorts of plastics, but I’ve never seen feminine hygiene products sold on the basis of significant portions of them being 100-percent organic cotton let alone…

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design observations preservation

The Humidifier Poorly Designed for the Fussiness It Requires

The older I get, the more annoyed I become with poor design. Age may be part of that annoyance in that the body is simply not as capable as it was 10, 20, or 30 years ago. I’m finding it harder to lift things and my grip is not as strong. We recently purchased a new humidifier because our other one stopped releasing mist, which is a bad thing for a humidifier. In comparing box…

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