challenge design observations technology

Engineered for Babies

Recently, I have had occasion to take care of a young child. Having raised three children, you’d think this would be easy for me. For the most part it is. I can weather the constant shifting of emotions and change in activities by using the art of distraction like a pro. I can swiftly change a diaper or an outfit as though I’m wrangling an eel (which I kind of am!). But, navigating baby gear…

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challenge family observations technology

An Inelegant Map Solution

I spent much of last week driving in the Twin Cities metro. It’s an area I haven’t had to navigate much on my own because my husband loves to drive and has an excellent directional ability, so he’s done almost all the driving whenever we visit. (He’s so good at driving that even if he gets momentarily lost and turns the wrong way, he instantly knows it, saying, “This doesn’t feel right.”) As a passenger,…

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action challenge ideas law

We Have Been Pushed Far Enough – Turning Anger to Action

I have been heavy of heart and mind this week with the mass shooting at the Uvalde, Texas, elementary school, which followed a mass shooting at a supermarket in Buffalo, New York, which followed a mass shooting at a church in Laguna Woods, California, which followed a mass shooting …, which followed a mass shooting …, which followed a mass shooting …. There have been so damn many mass shootings in this country that one…

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challenge family history ideas

Well Past Time to Add a Child Care Rating to the Military

We interrupt this regular broadcast of house renovation and excavation posts for a special announcement. This past week, Erik and I became grandparents to our second grandchild. Woooooo-to-the-Hooooooo! As with Grandchild #1, in the interests of our new grandson’s privacy, I likely won’t blog much about him except in fairly general terms. Grandchild #2 is an adorable bundle who doesn’t like to stay swaddled, so I suspect he will be as active as Grandchild #1…

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art challenge design process

Owl or No Owl?*

Several weeks ago I made a necklace with an owl pendant for a friend. Because the package of owl pendants I bought contained four pendants, I decided to try my hand at another. Here is the result. While buying the owl pendants, I purchased the pink glass beads (2 tones of pink beads in the package) specifically to use with this owl pendant. There were only 8 pink beads in the package, so I had…

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