Over the next couple of months, my blog may be on pause, and for very good reason.
I have signed up for an online class offered by The Loft Literary Center and will be occupied with reading and writing assignments.
The class is called “Crafting Plots and Endings” and it’s being taught by Michael Noll, who operates the Read to Write Stories blog.
While I do plenty of nonfiction writing and have dabbled in short fiction, I’m having difficulty in managing longer works of fiction. I’m hoping this class will provide me with ideas on how to structure longer fictional works.
I am fortunate to have received a professional development grant from the Five Wings Arts Council in order to take the class. (Thank you, FWAC!) (I want to get the official grant language in here somewhere, so here goes: “This project was made possible by a grant provided by the Five Wings Arts Council with funds from the McKnight Foundation.”)
So, then, if I’m missing in action here for the next couple of months, you’ll know what I’m up to.
While I’m occupied, look in wonder at this lovely lily.

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