ideas observations thought fodder

My Unscientific Observations About Rising Death Rates

Since my dad died 2 1/2 years ago, I’ve been paying especially close attention to the local obituaries. Perhaps because my dad died after having just turned 71, which seems much too young to my 48-year-old soul, I noticed that I was seeing an awful lot of deaths among the 40 to 60-year-old cohort, joining those who were over the age of 85. (It’s not uncommon to see people reach the high 90s or even…

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Frankensteining the Talent Pool ideas

Frankensteining the Talent Pool, Take 3

Starting with my very first personal blog, Filter & Splice (which still exists on Blogger in colors that will make your eyes bleed), I coined a term to describe the mythical meshing of creative people: Frankensteining the Talent Pool (FtTP). I originally described what this term meant to me waaaaaay back in 2006 with this post. During my time with Filter & Splice, I wrote a number of posts with my ideas for Frankensteining the…

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