challenge history pragmatic historian

Challenge – Try Your Hand at Forecasting Climate Change Effects

Forecasting the future by looking at trends, both past and present, takes a bit of imagination. Today’s challenge is meant to stretch your imagination. Because the effects of climate change are in our faces, let’s use this as an opportunity to forecast what might happen where you are by looking at climate change in other areas of the world. Read the following articles for inspiration and then make note of what has happened to the…

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history pragmatic historian

Forecasting the Future with History

Between 2013 and 2014, the Center for the Future of Museums of the American Alliance of Museums offered an online program to teach willing museum staff how to think like futurists. Elizabeth Merritt, founding director of the Center for the Future of Museums, put out the call for students and led us through this course by providing us with assignments digitally. Obviously, I was one of those willing students and I delighted in the course,…

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YOCR #17 – Meh.

I think I have come to the end of my Year of Creative Reading. I have two books on creativity sitting at my bedside waiting to be read and my reaction to them is, “Meh.” I don’t care if I ever get around to reading them. Okay, so I did read the section that supposedly has a direct relationship to me in one of them, but that was 3 pages and I’m not interested in…

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YOCR #15 – Think Like a Futurist … Like That!

I have a tendency to tandem read books. While I was reading “The Art of Non-Conformity,” I was also reading “Think Like a Futurist: Know What Changes, What Doesn’t, and What’s Next” by Cecily Sommers. Perhaps the funnest class I’ve taken part in as an adult was one from the Center for the Future of Museums that taught futurist thinking. I loved, loved, loved the analysis and imagination involved with this class and earned a…

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